

So this friend's grandmother used to tell her, "sometimes you have to get rid of the bad in order to make room for the good."

Actually trying to live this out in a lot of ways lately it seems. Out with the bad air, in with the good. I <3 yoga. Breathing = good. Out of a climate that makes me cranky and into one that suits me. Out with clutter, purging stuff that's weighing me down, making room for what's meaningful and essential. Simplifying. Cleaning house. Less is more. Aiming to keep nothing that isn't beautiful or useful to me. Out with toxic energy drinks that have dehydrated me to the point of hospitalization, room for that water stuff. Cleansing. Inside and out.

Out with relationships that continually drain me and cause me stress which I've maintained too long primarily out of an unnecessary and ridiculous sense of obligation, room for people I truly enjoy. What a concept. Out with the old in with the new. Now, the next step, not settling for a routine that makes me crazy on edge... allowing myself the notion of options... filtering the bad hoping to find some good.

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