
Ok. Had a yucky week. Still not 100% after my weird migraine/cold that hit a week ago. Bleh. Came home, cleaned, did some laundry, and had a panic attack over my bills. Think I forgot to breathe for a while there. Feeling super overwhelmed and considering getting a second job?! Ew. Can't believe I wrote those words. Second job equals no down time and a very burnt out and cranky me who no one will like to be around. Not that it would matter, since when would I have time to be around them? Can I handle two fussy babies on 10 hour shifts without my weekend recovery time?? Will it defeat the purpose completely by making me walk out from my full time job when I finally lose it there? At the moment, the only logical solution to my inner chaotic noise is, ice cream.

So happy we've been reunited.


Heather said...

Thanks for the ice cream and the company...chocolate makes everything all better :)

Raven said...

agreed. it was sooo good.