Erm, yeah. Today I stopped at a green light for a bit. I'm not entirely sure how long I sat there either, but it was too long. I usually pay attention to strange behaviors of mine like that. It means something I figure. It could simply mean that my over-loaded brain has finally transformed officially into silly putty. Or, it could be symbolic of something bigger which is what I tend to lean towards. If anyone has ideas on this I'll give you a penny for your thoughts. I don't know. I mean I could assume something obvious like maybe a job opportunity will come around and I'll just park myself there in the moment and observe it wondering about it rather than move on it when its a clear go? Hmm. I've stopped at a self-imposed or imaginary road block in my journey and I just need to read the signs correctly and keep going? Or maybe I just got sucked into a black hole and came out the other side in the worst possible place, the middle of 5 o'clock traffic in Arlington Texas, and found myself at a green light. I guess its possible. Would have to be a pretty small black hole to suck up just me though. Maybe we all went through. If so, maybe our particles got all mixed up along the way and I'm you and you're me now. OR maybe, mayyyybe, I'm just supposed to GO more GREEN and make you too!! Maybe I just like green.
You take life at your own pace...the light may say GO! but you needed to just stay still for a moment. The important thing is, you started moving again...
Sometimes it's scary to move forward. But the important thing is, you drove through that "scary intersection" to the other side.
Yes! I like your interpretation. All while looking like a fool in everyone else's eyes. LOL But, hey, no one got hurt even though I made my own rules, and yes I did get through the intersection and to my destination. =D
Oh, and I guess i owe you a penny now.
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