
We lovely Americans with our drive to acquire material possessions and convenience foods create about 16,000 lbs. of garbage, per person, each year! Ew! We are gross. Personally that's not the legacy I want to leave behind as my mark on the earth. Please consider reducing the amount of single serving packaging you consume by eating take out less often. Fast food is a major contributor of the trash pile up, and its not good for you anyway. Reuse things when possible. Use glass or BPA free reusable plastic water bottles rather than buying huge packages of bottled water, use cloth bags to carry groceries home in if you just throw the plastic ones into the trash and recycle glass, metal, plastic, and paper. Buy recycled products! Support creative people who make art out of recycled and reused materials. If there is not recycle service provided where you live, just separate recyclables from your trash and drop it off once a week at a recycle bin behind Whole Foods, or in school parking lots etc. They are around!

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