
I'm not impressed with the new management at my apartment complex. I really liked all the previous staff, in the office and the maintenance guys were awesome too. The office used to always be stocked with free cookies and chips for the tenants, and a big bowl of candy was on the front desk. Now they and the snacks are ALL gone. Booo.
A couple days ago I told the new staff that I always have paid my rent on time, but this month I was gonna be later than the grace period because I am a student waiting for my financial aid which is due to deposit any day now. I didn't stutter in explaining myself, I was perfectly clear and articulate I would pay them when it comes in.
Apparently they are forgetful or just straight up assholes, because this morning I was awoken by the very same guy I spoke with, banging furiously on my door. He stated that I had made no attempt to turn in payment for rent this month (um, thanks for informing me?) and he handed me papers declaring I had 3 days to vacate before being evicted. Really? A good, clean, and quiet tenant for 2 years now, never once been late before, situation fully explained as a student waiting for her grants that are on the way, everything about to be taken care of within a day, and you talk down to me like I'm a rebellious child or a criminal? More anxious than ever to get through school and move on to whatever my next season of life is.
BUT, despite that garbage this morning, I am bouncing around with a smile and a light heart. After I closed my door in the guys face, I started rummaging around for some things I've been wanting to sell on craig's list for some extra cash. I paused in shock when I opened up a tupperware container I thought was holding broken jewelry to be repaired, but I pulled out a bunch of necklaces I had stuck in there for safe keeping during my move to Texas. Several of these were necklaces that had belonged to my grandmother which I had thought I had lost forever in that move. One in particular I was heartbroken over losing. I was so excited at my finding my lost treasure that all my bad feelings just melted away.
So thank you, new mean-spirited River Bend Village management, if you weren't being assholes I wouldn't be in such a happy place today. I win.

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