
I want to relive so many days.  So many days that made me feel alive.  Hand in hand, I never doubted, trusting in those eyes.  The first time we met and I saw you, with that beautiful smile, we greeted with a sweet embrace, and I knew I wanted you in my life.  I think of late walks at night under stars with glimpses of deer in the street or caught in the head lights.  My first Austin show with you, Emilie Autumn, blew my mind, creating a new definition of awesome.  Skipping my favorite Monday class more than once to make the weekend last.  One more day together before back on the road, another  departure, dreaded.  Planning your birthday and making it perfect with money I didn't even have, so you would smile an entire weekend.  Our first night out at Kiss n Fly, drinking and dancing and then laughing so hard at Space Rocker boys.  Slow dancing one night, and another laughing at Charles while he yelled out crazy things at the boys.  Adventures to here and there, I never knew exactly where, but always some where I was amazed to be and felt lucky to see.  Your photo shoot of me in the dark, you made me feel like a work of art.  You wrote a me a song and sang me some others, which warmed up my heart to you even more like melting butter.  We spent a day at a pond feeding ducks and catching glimpses of puppy love looks from one another.  You held me in the water tight when I couldn't swim right, you were my hero that day, in a beautiful place hidden away.  At the Spiral Diner you cried a tear cuz I said I wanted to be there, to be on your team, words I really did say from my heart and mean.  You cried again when I got your amp back, it broke my heart that it surprised you that someone would do that.  Cuddles under blankets watching TV, in a big empty house just you and me.  Swinging under the stars and seeing wild lights in the sky, holding hands, touching hair and staring into eyes.  Having a good-bye Dallas dinner in a glass ball way up in the sky, with my cousin, my buddy and my lady, a sunset, a city skyline, perfect night, just amazing.  A trip to the animal shelter when I was missing my pet friends. Turtles who cast spells had us laugh to no end.  We tried to race to a mountain to see the sunrise, we didn't make it in time but we saw it on the drive.  Holding hands during fireworks on the fourth of July, even better than talking on New Years till the fireworks at midnight.  Opening my door to your face when I hadn't seen you for weeks, with the Gossip playing was a moment that can't be beat.  I was so happy and so relieved.  Eating sushi on our first date I admired your ribbons and you touched my hair.  At another sushi restaurant you smiled and texted me while I was sitting right there, how happy you were to be there with me at my side.  We had dessert fondue on a romantic night and all I wanted was to stare at you.  Running like kids through water jets we discovered at Town Lake. We met up one night when we couldn't stand it anymore being apart, we each drove two hours for a hotel date.  We cried and we hugged then everything was alright.  You set up your room on the first day of my move with rose petals and a balloon, so I would feel more at home and not concerned.  We hung out with Alyssa and had some massages, we tried to sell my cranes with her at that green room and I just ended up sharing your stalker.  We had some fun double dates with Eric and Adam, he paid for our meals like an awesome friend.  We hung out with Alice and had expensive wine and some laughs, got college advice and chatted all night.  I bought you some coffee, and made you some tea, I loved the smile that you would give me.  I wanted to spoil you, I saw things all the time I wanted to buy you.  We talked about people and places and things.  What we wanted, where we might go.  We talked about all we'd been through and had so many "me toos".  We talked for months, becoming friends before we even ever met.  Something I will never regret.  I loved getting to know you bit by bit.  Sharing bands, and movies, and dreams of road trips and distant lands.  I remember seeing that crystal bird before I ever even saw you, and thinking she has to have this it's the perfect gift.  When you got it in the mail that day you seemed kind of shocked but if I were back there again I'd buy you all of them so you could have a flock.  I mostly miss the mundane parts of the day, sharing a meal, holding hands, feeling you there close at night, making coffee, watching movies, and being silly.  Dressing up to go somewhere fun, with your makeup perfect and your long hair done, and yes laying together when the night was done, I loved to hold you in my arms, feel your soft skin, and see just you next to just me.  I miss us.  I miss us.  I miss these days, and more, much more.

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