
considering things

'Only it is so very lonely here!' Alice said in a melancholy voice; and, at the thought of her loneliness, two large tears came rolling down her cheeks.

'Oh, don't go on like that!' cried the poor Queen, wringing her hands in despair. 'Consider what a great girl you are. Consider what a long way you've come to-day. Consider what o'clock it is. Consider anything, only don't cry!'

Alice could not help laughing at this, even in the midst of her tears. 'Can you keep from crying by considering things?' she asked.

'That's the way it's done,' the Queen said with great decision: 'nobody can do two things at once, you know...


...'I can't believe that!' said Alice.

'Can't you?' the Queen said in a pitying tone. 'Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.'

Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said 'one can't believe impossible things.'

'I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast...'

Through the Looking Glass--Chapter V: Wool and Water

Hmm, I rather like this Queen. I used to think more like her than I do these days. I need something impossible to believe for, and to remember to consider some good that is in and around me.

Lately I have been feeling kinda defeated and somewhat of a failure at my life. My attempts to move forward only being met with mounting obstacles and set backs... leaving me wanting to just be a turtle, with a nice little shell to hide away in from a seemingly hostile world. Then the other day, as I was passing through the metal detector at the IRS, feeling overwhelmed and sorry for myself for where I was, facing off with financial yuck... among other brooding negative thoughts, there I saw her.

I made eye contact with this bright cheerful young woman, animated and engaged in lively conversation with someone... she was smiling and laughing as if she didn't have a care in the world and there was no where she'd rather be... radiating this genuine life and contentment... joy even, with every aspect of her body language. That's what you saw at quick glance. What you notice after that, is that she is missing a leg. One of her legs had been amputated from the knee down.

I walked past her to the elevator with a stab of something in my gut... I'm not sure I really can put words to how I felt or why... but sometimes I think I fail most on the days when I cant find at least one of the many reasons I have to feel blessed and to find value in just being alive, and being... me. Sometimes I just need a little reminder kick in the butt to appreciate the life I've been given to live while I have it, setbacks, obstacles, loneliness and all, and then, to consider what a great girl I am, and what a long way I've come. =]

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