
death & taxes, revised

I have spent so much time over the last month or so making myself sick with worry, all for what? To discover that there's this medical condition that I don't in fact have and therefore an operation I wont now be needing, AND that I don't in fact owe the IRS hundreds of dollars, but rather they owe me?? Aghh! What? Such a huge relief. I can't believe how much of a basket case I have been for so long over some serious misinformation.

So now, I figure what needs to happen is, I get a job as a waitress and win the unwavering loyalty of some eccentric, OCD writer who will only sit at my table. Eventually he will want to ensure that I am always around to serve him his food, and therefore take it upon himself to hire me my own personal doctor (who has a brain and skills) who will quickly be able to pin point exactly what the problem is and painlessly fix it. Of course only after insisting on paying off my stack of already existing medical bills, no strings, you know, As Good As IT Gets status. Yes, that's what needs to happen. Ready for a career change anyway =]


Strawberry said...

Sounds like a movie. Are you taking that from a movie? If not, it should be one.

Raven said...

Have you seen As Good As It Gets? =)