I shivered at work all day today. I hate being cold, but I had to strip down to my tank top within my first hour there. The morning began with immediately on arrival changing one baby out of the poo smeared clothes I found him in, after which he then saturated my jeans in puke, before that was dry the other baby then peed all over my side (through his ill applied diaper, which itself remained dry) and then proceeded to bust my lip with a head-butt. I feel so loved.
classically monday
I shivered at work all day today. I hate being cold, but I had to strip down to my tank top within my first hour there. The morning began with immediately on arrival changing one baby out of the poo smeared clothes I found him in, after which he then saturated my jeans in puke, before that was dry the other baby then peed all over my side (through his ill applied diaper, which itself remained dry) and then proceeded to bust my lip with a head-butt. I feel so loved.
So I really like living alone, don't get me wrong. I have no one's mess to deal with but my own. No one comes home routinely at an ungodly hour to wake me up during the night. I like everything that's hanging on my walls. I don't have to compete for the bathroom, or pay a share for someone else's need for cable that I don't partake of. When I clean my kitchen at night, its still nice and clean when I get up in the morning. Love that. I don't have to give neurotic roommates many days notice before I have someone over. I can keep the temperature where its comfortable for me. I don't come home to my apartment smelling of greasy cube steak or any other smells strange and foreign to me. Bottom line, no drama. Peace and quiet.
vicar humor
Didn't sleep at all last night, just laid there all night knowing all the while how hard today, one of my longer work days, would be not being rested. So I decided that when my alarm went off I would hit snooze one less time than usual so I would have time to try the complimentary coffee my apartment office boasts to provide. Never tried it before. I've been skeptical. I usually drink a cup of the weak, half strength coffee my boss makes when I get to work. I knew I needed something stronger for today.
me, a cynic?
cyni·cal (sin′i kəl)
- believing that people are motivated in all their actions only by selfishness; denying the sincerity of people's motives and actions, or the value of living
- sarcastic, sneering, etc.
cyn·i·cism n. 1. An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others: 2. A scornfully or jadedly negative comment or act Cynicism originally comprised the various philosophies of a group of ancientGreeks called the Cynics, founded by Antisthenes in about the 4th century BC. The Cynics rejected all conventions, whether of religion, manners, housing, dress, or decency, advocating the pursuit of virtue in a simple and unmaterialistic lifestyle. By the 19th century, emphasis on the negative aspects of Cynic philosophy led to a new and very different understanding of cynicism to mean an attitude of jaded negativity, and a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of other people. Modern cynicism, as a product of mass society, is a distrust toward professed ethical and social values, especially when there are high expectations concerning society, institutions and authorities which are unfulfilled. Cynicism can manifest itself as a result of frustration, disillusionment, and distrust perceived as due to organizations, authorities and other aspects of society, and thus is roughly equivalent to a substantive form of the English word "jaded". I think I am quite possibly the queen of cynicism. |