
I found this little guy on the kitchen floor. Started to sweep him up in a dirt pile. I apologized. He forgave me. We hung out for a while. He showed me his clever trick, rolled over on my hand. Impressive. He didn't seem to want to go, actually he closed his eyes and was all set to take a nap in the sun on my wrist, but I thought it best to let him sleep on that rock. Much friendlier find than the roach hanging out on the wall in the babies room this morning.


Heather said...

Aw, this made me smile. I'm glad you kept him company...I suppose it can be lonely being so small in such a big world. And I agree about the cockroach! I found two crawling in the guest room this weekend. EW

Raven said...

I see more roaches at work then anywhere. I used to only find dead ones, laying belly up, now its always live ones...creeping around and doing sketchy things like sipping down motrin....bleah!