
For all my friends who don't really get what the vegan thing is all about, this video I found explains it pretty well without showing all the graphic cruelty of the PETA videos that people hate being exposed to...

I was eating vegan for about 2 years and would continue to do so except that about 6 months ago I discovered my allergies to both wheat-gluten and soy. The combination of all the diet restriction this created proved to be just too challenging for me. I have incorporated some animal protein back into my diet, not meat, but through some things like butter and cheese, and products that contain some milk or eggs in the ingredients (though I could never drink a straight glass of milk =P) I would continue being vegan if I didn't have this issue. I realize that being vegan is not the best or healthiest option for everyone, but being vegetarian is still making a difference and is a little easier of a lifestyle ( and creates less of a scene in restaurants, oy.)

If you're curious, I do not judge people for choosing to eat meat, we all have different convictions. I don't necessarily think its evil to eat meat, especially if its done out of necessity, like someone hunting out of a need to feed their family. But the way animals are raised and tortured in factory farming is evil, and its not something I care to support. I don't care if you order steak if we eat out together ( I will get mad if you order veal though), just don't expect me to ever cook you a steak dinner. I just like to make people who are interested to know, a little more aware of what they are eating and the process of how it ended up on their plate. Just some food for thought... heh. Some people don't want to know so I wont push it on them, but others seem glad to be informed and have decided to make some changes. I'll be nice though and leave the PETA videos off my blog. Actually I think I'll just post a link or two for the brave ones who want to know...

If that's you...

Watch these:

Read these:

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